Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Close analysis to the film Fight club Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Close analysis to the film Fight club - Essay Example As in most cases, the ending of a film plays a key role in affirming the running theme of the film to the intended audience. Fight Club does not disappoint and lives up to the expectation of the audience who are thrilled through the entire film. Scholars have identified Fight Club as a good example of conformity which is a concept that is determined by those around your circles (Wartenberg, 2012). The film seeks to analyze the extremes of conformity and the society’s approach towards real human connections that are pivotal to the emotional well being of an individual. On the contrary, non-conformity is speculated to lead to alienation and rejection of an individual by the society. In extreme cases, it might lead to isolation. Being isolated in the society is the worst thing that can happen to an individual who values associated with others, but conformity denies them the chance of socialization hence isolation. The film justifies the attempts of characters to move out of the violence that ensues during each and every encounter of the Fight Club because of the urge to break out of their roles that they have in the community to unleash their anger. The pain just like anger demands to be felt in different ways among these is violence. Therefore, this paper will provide an analysis of visuals, sound, themes and motifs. Also, it will seek to provide a clear and concise analysis of the film’s significance as it further interprets the film’s meaning to the reader. Fight Club falls under the romantic comedy because it relates to the characters attitudes and it strives to achieve a healthy relationship. In most instances, a lot of behavior which seems unhealthy and harsh to each other is prevalent, but this does not work for them because both characters are out on the extreme end of their characters. The narrator is out for intimacy, but avoids it with by using

Monday, February 10, 2020

Minerals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Minerals - Essay Example This paper describes the classifications of minerals. Minerals can be classified according to various physical characteristics such as hardness, luster, and even their color. They can also be classified by their chemical and reaction properties. These properties can help identify unknown minerals, as well as identifying the minerals in the composition of an unknown rock. All of these characteristics are used in the helping of classifying and organizing the wide array of different and unique rocks and minerals that are found above, below, and hidden throughout the physical boundaries of planet Earth. To be truly classified as a mineral, the substance must be a â€Å"solid and have a crystal structure. It must also be an inorganic, naturally-occurring, homogeneous substance with a defined chemical composition†. A crystal structure is a specific arrangement of atoms inside the mineral. Crystal structures can be seen using X-rays if the mineral composition is too small. There are over 4,000 different types of minerals, of these 150 called "common," 50 are "occasional," and the rest are "rare" to "extremely rare". The first physical classification of minerals is the factor of crystal structure. A mineral may have a small or large crystal structure, and the size, shape, and grain type of the crystal all can help classify the mineral. The second physical classification is the hardness of the mineral. With a diamond being the hardest mineral, and talc being the softness, a scale is used to determine where a mineral’s hardness lies.